maybe happiness didn't have to be about the big, sweeping
circumstances, about having everything in your life in place. maybe it was about
stringing together a bunch of small pleasures



day 1 - 6:38 pm

I got home today and walked in the door to an empty house. One of the worst feeling I have felt I think. Mr. Hammer better not die on this trip! So I tried to distract myself with some HGTV... the TV wont work! Of course that would happen and I know about nothing about how all that crap works.
On a good note. I went to the gym today. Havent been since Mr. Hammer and I begun. I save my spare time for him. Altho the gym needs to start riding up front in my game of life! and... Janie is coming over tonight to plan wedding!! Im excited. We always have a good time and I get to talk non-stop about my Mr. Hammer. It is OUR wedding. (As I was reminded last night ;)

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