maybe happiness didn't have to be about the big, sweeping
circumstances, about having everything in your life in place. maybe it was about
stringing together a bunch of small pleasures



My Mr. Hammer is 26!

What an old man! :)

As you all know I LOVE birthdays! So much so I was sad I didnt live up to this last year for his birthday so I was trying to come up with the BEST birthday EVER!

Of course Mr. Hammer just wanted to spend it with me... doing whatever. My guess is dinner and movie. He loves movies. I hate going to the movies but I suffer every other week or so for the pure joy and love he feels for me to go with him! Its awesome! Being married is AMAZING when its to such an AMAZING LOVING KIND SELFLESS man! :D

Anyway.. Birthday... So I decided I would throw him a surprise party! Awesome idea right?! Well it was! I called up one of his friends and said hey will you call everyone. Which he did. I ordered a butt load pizza and found an ALL ice cream cake! (He hates cake so it was a two layer cake... choc ice cream and vanilla ice cream! :) And BAM!! It was a blast and I know he was happy to chill with the "dudes" again!

One problem.. I forgot my camera. :( Which sucks cause it was blast and I wish I could share!

The next day Tyler played golf and yada yada and his birthday wish came true! (no.. not what you are thinking.. ;) ok yes what you are thinking... :) but his other wish. He wanted new glasses!

I know lame right?... WRONG! These glasses rock my world! He is super sexy! Well he already was but you get the point.

The next day (Sunday) he took me on a birthday adventure. We drove to the middle of somewhere and layed on a blanket and watched the stars come out! "awww..." Yeah thats right awwww. It rocked my world! :D

This man is the light of my world! He is my everything! I cannot tell you how much his love means to me! And Im so excited for him to be an old man with me (well me not being the old man just the lady with the old man.. wait that doesnt sound better... ummm...whatever. you get the point! :)!


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