maybe happiness didn't have to be about the big, sweeping
circumstances, about having everything in your life in place. maybe it was about
stringing together a bunch of small pleasures



I love Mr. Hammer. Sometimes he feels like he needs to ask if Im for sure... Well Mr. Hammer I am for sure about one thing. I LOVE YOU!
Last night he told me one of his favorite memories of me.
I have many favorites memories of us.
My favorite was the night of the ferris wheel. I love ferris wheel rides with Mr. Hammer and Mexican children. ;)
I loved it when he tricked me into thinking he was gonna propose in SLC and surprised me!
When we were to busy having fun together to realize Charly had gotten into the cheese dip and had cheese face. And the following bath of the ugliest wet dog you have ever seen!
I loved our first plane ride together. When I realized how niiiice Mr. Hammer looks in his pilot pants.
I loved when he held me and we watched pocohantas the same night I had broken up and we didnt know where we stood but I was just enjoying the moment.
The first night we took Mo for a test drive and after we ate he opened PEG's door for me and I said thank you baby and he said your welcome sweetheart. I dont know why but when he said that to me my little heart just went racing!
When he spent all that time putting the grill together to find out he put it on backwards...FUNNY!
Dinner and 2 movies!
I had so much fun causing a war with him when I would try to get out of bed with my hurt ankle! ;)
Our first football game! It was nice to share something he loves to much.
R T 44! ;)
chocolate/vanilla iceCREAM cone
The day of the invention of INternity.
When he pointed out to me how messed up the blog numbers are.
Waking up in his arms after falling asleep there.
you DA you DA bes.
Coming home for lunch and finding the cheese puffs already there!
When I ordered at the wrong firehouse.
When I saw him walk into the house after his trip to dallas. pure. joy
Trying to dye my hair together.
Blue Ray HD on the HD tv where we watch HGTV in HD.
Making out in the Titanic.
SO SO SO many more wonderful memories but Im running out of time. :(
Enjoying memory lane with me Mr. Hammer?

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