Downloading pictures and blogging is rough. :D
So we have had an amazing summer so far! Last summer we had ALOT of wedding stress so its been a blast to enjoy the sun with each other! Well I have to say the snow and rain were also great but during summer we can swim and bike and go to baseball games and go boating and... So you get the picture of our summer. He are another couple highlight from the past month.
Momma and company came to visit for the 4th! It was an amazing time! Ninja is HUGE and getting really annoying with all of his whinning ;) We get to hopefully visit them in thier new house next weekend and go boating! FUN! Its my favorite part of the summers in WY!
I have been getting busy with my calling! Which is RS activity coordinator! Its super fun tho! And I love the RS in my ward! Being in a student married ward is the best experience EVER I have to say! Every one was married in the last 3 years and under 30. Every one is a couple and still in the cuddly stages so you dont feel weird giving "ill see you after RS/Priesthood" goodbye kisses. And we do fun young activities!! (yup, thats a plug ;) I wish I could explain it better, its just that great! ha
We went home for Jordan's wedding. The temple was beautiful! On the way home we got a flat in yellowstone! Of course it was on a sunday so no where was open to fix it so..... we drove 55MPH all the way home on a spare tire... yeah... you can imagine the rest!

My Mr. Hammer and I took the kids to the air force museum! It was way fun! The oppisite of birth control! ;) I do have to say tho.. OMG parents freaking control your kids! I could not believe the way the parents in the kids center were letting thier children behave. Ill tell you what I wouldnt have been caught dead acting like that when I was a kid! Holy freaking crap!
Well Mr. Hammer and I went to a baseball game recently with his family! Had a blast! (and I hate baseball :) Just another fun summer evening!

A little glimpse of the amazing family Tyler has given me! We're chillin at grandmas sunday dinner playing a little football!!
Other then that.. we are both working hard! (which by the way.. we could do without ;) Tyler is flying for a company again! My Mr. Hammer : YAY for flight hours! Me: YAY for money!
O yeah.. Im super baby hungry and I have the most wonderful husband the ever walk this earth! (Yup, thats a plug for Mr. Hammer ;)